Meet the Blogger

Blogger, Fi Barham of Sentiental Journey pictured at Copper Branch, Montreal, Canada
Fi – A Vegan Traveler in the UK

Who am I?

Hello – I’m Fi.

I grew up in 1970s-80s Midlands, UK, a time and place where as Dylan Moran put it, “We only ate food if it was neon!”
Remarkably, I survived the culinary onslaught of popping candy and microwaveable ready meals, and I’m still here. That’s largely thanks to my parents, who countered my terrible ‘food’ temptations with far better things.

They taught us exactly where our food came from and how to get the best out of it. Our back yard was packed with home-grown produce. Salad, berries, chives, spuds, onions, and the warm, greenhouse scent of ripening tomatoes… all remind me of home. Our jams and pickles were all home-made. Cakes and pastries were magicked up from scratch. And mum’s famous ‘gubbins’ taught me how to turn the contents of a seemingly empty fridge into a gourmet dinner.

Whenever we ate out (a rare treat), we ate well too. No cardboard boxes of grizzle-burgers and mastic milkshakes graced our gullets! Ohhh no! Instead we gorged on crispy spring rolls, sumptuous pasta dishes, hot, hot curries… We coiffed artisan ice creams and sipped on unusual teas.

Am I vegan?

My upbringing fueled a lifelong interest in good food, and a willingness to seek it out – but also to question its source!

Becoming a strict vegetarian aged 19, I realised several years ago that I was really just kidding myself.

The dairy industry has some serious issues, in terms of animal welfare and its impact on the environment that I found I could no longer ignore.

So, overnight, I ditched the lot in favour of a much kinder, more sustainable – and frankly, more fun – diet. Not just for me, but for animals (including humankind) and the environment too. 

Now, proudly vegan, what and I eat and exactly how it reached my plate, are vital considerations I make before even contemplating shoveling it into my ‘cake hole’!

I could and should have done it sooner – but I did do it. And I know I’ll never look back. But I’m nothing if not generous – since I feel so much better for doing it, it felt mean keeping it to myself!

In 2020 I developed Sentiental Journey to help others who were contemplating becoming vegan to get started.

What’s the blog about?

At time of writing, there are an estimated 600,000 vegans living in the UK. This figure is growing, and word is spreading. But for the ‘V-curious’ knowing where to go, and what exactly to eat when you get there, can be a tricky ball to start rolling.

There are some great bloggers and vloggers out there already, with snappy recipes and Instagram accounts – and I definitely think you should follow them!

But if you need a little more convincing, Sentiental Journey might just come in handy.

In these pages, I share my favourite vegan UK destinations, useful ingredients and recipes. But I also explore how our food has appeared in history, mythology, symbolism and art – and more besides.

Sadly, I can’t have you all over for dinner, and I doubt even the smaller of you would fit into my beat’ up ole rucksack.

So instead – just for you – I’ve become a gluttonous nomad, travelling the length and breadth of the British Isles in search of dinner. And breakfast…and lunch…and brunch…

And I’ve buried myself in art and literature to bring you the ‘factiest’ facts I can find about all things vegan!

Hopefully it’ll help anyone planning a visit to or around the UK. Or maybe give you some inspiration as you write down your next shopping list. If nothing else, I hope it entertains you.

In any event, you’re all welcome to join me on my Sentiental Journey!

Pigeons Eating bird food in an ivy hedge

Tuck in!

Find out what we’ve been up to and where we’ve been!

Image of a snail climbing up a drinks can

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